
Our Philosophy

We adhere to the principles of technological innovation, pragmatic management, and human-centered approach.

  • Core Value

    Core Value

    • We adhere to the principles of technological innovation, pragmatic management, and human-centered approach. Our core values lie in the perfection of products, the improvement of services, and the completeness of supporting facilities. Our vision is to achieve steady, trustworthy, and sustainable development. We will continue our efforts to become the world's most valuable supplier of professional wireless communication equipment and services.
  • Employees


    • Employees are the company's only value-added asset

      We firmly believe that employees are the company's only value-added asset. IWAVE relies on its employees to create wonderful products and experiences for customers, while also actively providing a good development environment for employees. Fair promotion and compensation mechanisms help them grow and promote their success. This is also an outstanding manifestation of IWAVE's social responsibility.

      IWAVE adheres to the principle of "happy work, healthy life" and allows employees to grow together with the company.

  • Customers


    • Customer demand for goods and services always comes first.

      We will make 100% effort to satisfy the quality and service of our customers.

      Once we commit to something, we will make every effort to fulfill the obligation.

  • Suppliers


    • Once we commit to something, we will make every effort to fulfill the obligation.

      We require our suppliers to offer competitive pricing, quality, delivery, and volume of purchases in the market.

      For over five years, we have had cooperative relationships with all of our suppliers.

      With the purpose of "win-win", we integrate and optimize resource allocation, reduce unnecessary supply chain costs, build the most sophisticated supply chain, and create stronger competitive advantages.

  • Quality Culture

    Quality Culture

    • Culture is consensus.

      IWAVE has achieved standardization of the entire process from project formulation, research and development, trial production, and mass manufacturing. We have also built an excellent quality management system. Additionally, we have set up a comprehensive system for testing products that includes regulatory certification (EMC/safety requirements, etc.), software system integration testing, reliability testing, and unit testing of both hardware and software.

      More than 10,000 test results were collected following the completion of more than 2,000 subtests, and substantial, thorough, and rigorous test verification was done to guarantee the product's outstanding performance and high reliability.
