

  • What are the application scenarios of MESH Mobile Ad Hoc Network?

    What are the application scenarios of MESH Mobile Ad Hoc Network?

    Mesh wireless broadband self-organizing network technology has the characteristics of high bandwidth, automatic networking, strong stability and strong network structure adaptability. It is especially suitable for communication needs in complex environments such as underground, tunnels, inside buildings, and mountainous areas. It can be very good to solve the high-bandwidth video and data network transmission needs.
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  • Wireless Communication Solution For Pipe Inspection Robotic

    Wireless Communication Solution For Pipe Inspection Robotic

    Jincheng New Energy Materials needed to update the legacy manual inspection to unmanned robotics system inspection of the energy material transfer pipeline in occluded and very complex environments at its mining and processing plant. IWAVE wireless communication solution not only delivered the wider coverage, increased capacity, better video and data real-time services required, but it was also enable the robotic to do simple maintenance activities or surveys on the pipe.
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  • Top 5 Advantages of MIMO

    Top 5 Advantages of MIMO

    MIMO technology is an important concept in wireless communication technology. It can significantly improve the capacity and reliability of wireless channels and improve the quality of wireless communication. MIMO technology has been widely used in various wireless communication systems and has become an important part of modern wireless communication technology.
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  • New Launched Tactical Manpack Mesh Radios with PTT

    New Launched Tactical Manpack Mesh Radios with PTT

    New Launched Tactical Manpack Mesh Radios with PTT,IWAVE has developed a manpack MESH radio transmitter, Model FD-6710BW. This is a UHF high-bandwidth tactical manpack radio.
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  • What Is MIMO?

    What Is MIMO?

    MIMO technology uses multiple antennas to transmit and receive signals in the wireless communications field. The multiple antennas for both transmitters and receivers vastly improve communication performance. MIMO technology is mainly applied in mobile communications fields, this technology can greatly improve the system capacity, coverage range, and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR).
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  • What is the transmission performance of the robot/UGV using IWAVE’s wireless video transmission module in a complex environment?

    What is the transmission performance of the robot/UGV using IWAVE’s wireless video transmission module in a complex environment?

    What’s the MANET (A Mobile Ad-hoc Network)? A MANET system is a group of mobile (or temporarily stationary) devices which need to provide the ability to stream voice, data, and video between arbitrary pairs of devices utilizing the others as relays to avoid the need for infrastructure.   &nb...
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