
Modules Collection for Unmanned Systems – Video and Telemetry Control Data


Innovative, reliable, and secure connectivity solutions are now needed due to the increase in demand for unmanned and continuously connected systems worldwide. IWAVE is a leader in the development of wireless RF Unmanned Communication systems and possesses the skills, expertise, and resources to help all sectors of the industry overcome these obstacles.

NLOS Wireless Video Transmitter series are mainly included 5 wireless ad hoc network modules products.it based on SoC chips, which are mainly divided into Point-to-Point Networking, Star Networking and MESH Ad-hoc Networking.

Based on years of research and development of broadband wireless communication technology, the product adopts OFDM and MIMO technologies to realize wireless video and data transmission functions.

This series of products are mainly used in UAV, UGV, Robots, Drones, and other autonomous unmanned vehicles etc.

This series of products supports OEM customization, supports the use of software to configure parameters and frequency, supports automatic frequency hopping and multi-node networking, supports a variety of encryption technologies, and uses automatic frequency hopping technology (FHSS).

Our radio products are produced by a 60-person engineering team based in Shanghai and Shenzhen, China, with extensive experience in RF and video encoding, mesh and algorithms, equipment packaging, and certification.

Depending on the use case, our customers can choose among our field-proven Point-to-Point (P2P), Point to-multi-points (PTMP), COFDM technology for extremely low latency applications and our market-leading high-capacity wireless IP Mesh technology. The IWAVE Mesh solution is a true game changer in RF communications, providing IP connectivity with safe, seamless data exchange for low latency telemetry control, including live HD video streaming. This is accomplished by utilizing COFDM RF technology to build a self-healing, self-forming IP network capable of operating anywhere in the world, independent of existing communications infrastructure over long distances. The IWAVE modules support P2P Point to-multi-points (PTMP) and Mesh, and software applications enable remote adjustments from a single platform.


Unmanned Ground Vehicles (UGV)

Unmanned vehicles are used in a variety of industries, including energy, construction, passenger and cargo transportation, power generation, and transmission, for inspection, surveying, mapping, transport, surveillance, and making operations safer for personnel and equipment.

IWAVE is proven in service, with over 10 countries deployed on unmanned Ground Vehicles (UGVs) in Defense, Law Enforcement, Public Safety, Commercial, and Industrial applications.

  • UGV Communication Applications
  •  Search & Rescue and Area Inspection
  • Transporting People and Cargo
  • Autonomous Haulage Systems and Mining
  • Survey & Mapping

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV)

IWAVE’S mature module transmitters have the smallest size, weight, and power consumption in the industry, giving UAV designers, manufacturers, and operators the maximum flexibility, time aloft, and distance.

UAV Communication Applications

  • Aerial Inspection, Survey & Mapping
  • Surveillance
  • Broadcasting and Movies Support
  • Transport & Deliver
UAV application

Next, I will list some application cases of this series of NLOS Wireless Video Transmitter series modules.


1. Broadcasting and Movies

UAVs are becoming increasingly popular for a variety of applications, including aerial photography and camera support alternatives for cranes, dolly, and tripods. Directors of Photography and Directors require high-definition, low-latency images from the camera viewfinder, and IWAVE subminiature, smallest, lightest on-board transmitters are the preferred option of discerning crews who cannot compromise on quality.

Broadcasting and Movies



Large farm owners maximize crop yields by deploying unmanned vehicles for a variety of functions such as spraying, inspection, surveying, planting, and data collection. For example, automatic spraying unmanned vehicles can follow the planned path in the palm garden and spray pesticides on palm trees.


Port crane operators use the monitoring automation operating system to optimize the movement of cranes and cranes; accurate planning and loading and unloading; port container loading and unloading management; obstacle detection and avoidance, and drones for detection, inspection, and safe operation in dangerous environments.


Post time: Apr-14-2024