
Drone Video Transmitter Analog VS Digital


Classification of Drone Video Link


If the UAV video transmission system is classified according to the type of communication mechanism, it can usually be divided into two categories: analog uav communication system and digital uav video transmitter system. The analog video transmission system refers to the process of source and channel processing of analog video signals with continuous changes in time (including space) and amplitude, and transmission through analog channels or storage through analog recording devices. Digital Uav video data link refers to the process in which digitized video signals are transmitted through digital channels (cables, microwaves, satellites and optical fibers, etc.) through source coding and channel coding, or stored through digital storage and recording devices.

swarm drone communication

Analog Drone Video Link VS Digital Drone Video Transmitter

Analog Drone Video Link Digital Drone Video Transmitter
Signal An analog signal is a continuous signal. Its parameters represent various physical parameters that need to be transmitted A digital signal is a signal obtained by converting a time-continuous analog signal into a time-discrete sampling value.
Waveform  sine wave  sine wave
Method of presenting information Information is represented by consecutive values Information is represented by discontinuous values
Technology Record the shape of the waveform Sample the analog waveform and record the size of the waveform at each moment
Record ●Stored in waveform form
●Reproducibility is poor
●Quality degrades over time and number of transfers
Stored as binary data, copying and editing does not affect file quality
Bandwidth Analog signal processing can be done in real time, consuming less bandwidth Signal processing has poor real-time performance and consumes more bandwidth
Power Consume more power Less power consumed
Resource consumption Low cost, simple circuit High cost, complex circuit
Hardware and circuit The hardware and circuit requirements are high, and the performance is easily affected by process differences. Therefore, the quality of analog video transmission products on the market varies widely. Due to the digitization of the analog signal, the fault tolerance of the circuit is very high, and the transmission is stable and reliable. Therefore, it is not sensitive to differences in devices and circuits.
Data Transmission and Response to Noise Due to the superimposition of noise and useful information, it will be interfered by the noise in each link during the transmission process and cannot be completely eradicated. It will reduce the signal-to-noise ratio as the number of links increases (the signal will only get worse and worse). The analog video transmission system cannot simply amplify the power to achieve the purpose of increasing the transmission distance. Noise does not affect information transmission, and most of the noise can be filtered out by software to eliminate noise accumulation. The reliability of information transmission can be guaranteed through different verification technologies in the later stage. In addition, digital information is also easy to encrypt, so that the confidentiality of information is greatly enhanced.
Usability The recorded information may be affected by the external environment such as recording accuracy. The video signal is a digital signal, which is easy to record and also facilitates connection to various digital interfaces. And the signal can be processed with modern computing technology.
Application Analog device Computers and digital devices
Samples Radio, telephone  Videophone, conference TV



Digital signals can be reproduced many times without loss of quality during transmission. It also has the characteristics of easy handling, flexible scheduling, high quality, stability and reliability, and convenient maintenance, which are superior to analog transmission. Therefore, digital video transmission is usually used in industrial applications.

Composition of UAV video transmission system


In the UAV application scenario, the long range uav data link located on the airborne platform is usually called the air unit, and the video transmission module located at the ground control station is called the ground unit. The communication direction of the one-way large code stream data is from the air unit to the ground unit.



●Selection of long range drone camera transmitter and receiver


At present, there are a mass of different uav radio communication systems modules on the market, but the product quality is uneven. Whether there is a core technology that can stand the test of the market is crucial. IWAVE's point-to-point wireless video and wireless telemetry module is based on independent intellectual property research and development, specifically designed for industry-level applications, and can be widely used in drones, ground robots, UGV, ROV and other unmanned communication scenarios.


Post time: Sep-06-2023